On this page

Getting Started

After gaining access, users will be presented with the Personal Workflows screen. This is your sandbox and allows you to create workflows, as long as you are within your quotas.

You can start creating Personal Workflows using the Create a new Workflow tile on the Workflows screen. This opens a modal that allows you to Start from scratch or Import a Workflow.

Workflow Templates

You can also click the Templates button in the top right and create a workflow from Template. This is a great way to get started with proven workflows.

Team Creation

Teams can be created in two ways:

  1. By a user with Administrator rights, who can then map users to a team.
  2. Through the APIs

When integrated with IBM Consulting® Essentials, Boomerang Flow integrates with your Essentials teams. Ensure you have access to a team or create a new team and request access to Boomerang Flow.

Need help?

Select ? in the top right corner of any page in the application to enable contextual help.

Still stuck? Join the Boomerang IO Slack and the community will be able to help you.

Optimal browser support

Flow is optimized from Chrome. If you are experiencing issues with another browser, please revert to Chrome and try again.